Wednesday, April 11, 2007


I'm not sure why a single car would be on the tracks, but there it was and I had to shoot it. This is just off the South Creek Greenway path. Mike, I always think of you when I see a train shot, so I hope you enjoy this one!
Talj, an excellent suggestion to try b&w. I like it a lot better!


talj said...

Really nicely done :o) I'd love to see what this looks like in Black and White too :o)

Anna said...

I love the B&W. And I like the shot.

Anonymous said...

The black and white is definately more powerful. Good suggestion talj.

The car I believe is a carbon black car for Carlisle. There are two possibilities for why it is sitting there. One, they had to leave it there because it may be the next to go into that plant or they had to rearrange cars to get them in the right order. Rather than drag this car around they may have left it there until the return trip downtown.

Nice shot, but then it is a train car.

Memories Catcher said...

Great shots.I love the B&W.Great composition.